Help! I Have Dental Anxiety!

Dental Anxiety

At Guided Smiles Prosthodontics and Implant Center, we understand that some of our valued patients face genuine fear when it comes to getting the dental care they need. Dr. Blackmon and his team have dedicated themselves to providing a practice where you can expect the highest level of care in a warm and stress-free environment. We are pleased to offer sedation dentistry to help even our most anxious patients relax while receiving the outstanding care they deserve. 

What Is Sedation Dentistry? 

Sedation dentistry is the practice of creating a calm and relaxed state through medications. At Guided Smiles Prosthodontics and Implant Center, we offer nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, and IV sedation. Dr. Blackmon will recommend the ideal sedation dentistry option to address your unique needs. 

Nitrous Oxide Sedation: Nitrous oxide, often referred to as laughing gas, is a safe and effective sedation option for managing mild to moderate dental anxiety. The minimal form of inhaled sedation involves breathing nitrous oxide combined with oxygen through a mask placed over the nose. Within a few minutes, a wave of euphoria will wash over you, reducing dental fear or anxiety.

Laughing gas creates a calm state. You will remain awake and responsive to directions but feel relaxed and comfortable. Once your treatment concludes and we take off your mask, the effects of the nitrous oxide gas wear off right away, allowing you to resume your daily activities without interruption. 

Oral Conscious Sedation: Oral conscious sedation involves taking oral medication before your dental procedure to help you feel calm and relaxed. The level of sedation can differ depending on the dose of medication. Oral conscious sedation is usually recommended for patients experiencing moderate to severe dental fear and anxiety. 

After taking your medication, you’ll start feeling sleepy and relaxed, but you’ll remain awake and responsive during treatment. Most people don’t remember much of their treatment under oral conscious sedation. The effects of the sedative will last for some time after your treatment, so we request you have a trusted adult accompany you and drive you home.

Intravenous (IV) Sedation: We will administer a calming medication straight into your bloodstream using an IV. You’ll experience a deeper level of sedation, which takes effect almost immediately. You may drift off into sleep, but you will stay conscious and responsive to directions. 

IV sedation is ideal for longer or more complex treatments and is especially beneficial for patients with severe dental anxiety or phobia. You will not have any recollection of your treatment. The effects of IV sedation take time to wear off, so we request that you bring a trusted adult to drive you home and stay with you until your sedation wears off. 

What Are the Benefits of Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry offers numerous benefits, including the following:

  • Creating a calm and relaxed state
  • No fear or anxiety during dental procedures
  • Minimal to no recollection of your treatment
  • Reduced sense of sound, smell, and time
  • More dental work in fewer appointments
  • Safer care for those with dental anxiety
  • Less fear of future dental care

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Sedation dentistry has a high safety record when administered by qualified dental professionals. Dr. Blackmon and his team will monitor your vital signs throughout treatment to ensure your comfort and well-being. Make sure to let us know about your medical history and any medication you’re taking to minimize any potential risks. 

Who Is a Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

Dr. Blackmon may recommend sedation for the following reasons: 

  • Patients with deep-rooted fear or phobia of the dentist, resulting in severe anxiety
  • Patients requiring lengthy or complex dental treatments
  • Patients with a bad gag reflex or extremely sensitive teeth
  • Patients who have a hard time getting and staying numb
  • Patients with conditions worsened by stress
  • Patients with special healthcare needs
  • Patients who can’t sit still for long 

Sedation Dentistry Near Me in Ponte Vedra, FL

Contact Guided Smiles Prosthodontics & Implant Center to learn more about our dental sedation options for relaxed and anxiety-free care. Dr. Blackmon, our accomplished prosthodontist, will recommend the ideal sedation dentistry option based on your unique needs. Call us at 904-395-5501 or schedule an appointment online today!